Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love with Leftovers and a Confession

I think a lot people know what its like to have leftovers.  Not so yummy.  I used to be the type of person who didn't eat leftovers.  They were pretty disgusting.  I wouldn't even think twice about eating something from another meal.  Just not an option.  Well, after realizing that eating fast food for lunch everyday is a bad idea - I have really adopted using leftovers.  For instance, I had a huge chicken breast  for dinner a few nights ago and just could barely eat much of it at all - I had already eaten a cup of broccoli and a serving of brown rice and a salad and was pretty stuffed.  So I saved it and have been able to make two lunches out of it - both days I made a chicken taco with a little cheese and tomato.  Pretty good.  And last night we had the most amazing pork tenderloin - so good.  We had a ton left so hello to a good sandwich today and probably dinner tonight!  It is as if I crave healthy foods.

This weekend was interesting.  I had some not so healthy food.  On Saturday one of my dearest friends from college was in town and we decided to go to lunch and he wanted a Chinese Buffet.  So I knew that was going to be a disaster.  And it wasn't as bad as it would have been a year ago, but it wasn't pretty.  After that I had a turkey sandwich and carrots for dinner but got weak and had a small french fry and small Frosty from Wendy's that night.  So I have confessed - and I still logged everything.  I didn't go over by a massive amount, or even enough to gain back any weight.  However, I'm sure I ate enough sodium to keep every drop of water I consume from now to eternity.  So I have hopped back on and have been drinking so much water and eating my normal diet.

Hope everyone else survived their weekends!

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