Friday, June 22, 2012

Someone Else Has Taken Over

Well, its been a rough road.  I had some solid weight loss, but after some health issues, I had a setback.  Then, in my typical style, I really veered off track and gained weight (but not too much).  So then I realized that I needed to get back on track.  I really thought about where I go wrong and what keeps veering me off track - and its two main things; when my diet is not organized and portions.  Sometimes if it is not strictly laid out to what I need to eat, I veer off course.  The whole concept of not knowing is very hard on me and causes me to really get on edge.  Also, I am not the best at measuring a portion out.  If I get 13 chips and they are not whole, then I have to "guess" to what pieces constitute one chip.  That can often cause me big problems.

So I enlisted my sister to step in.  She makes my meals and measures my portions so that I don't cheat.  I don't know how long its going to last - but it is going to last until I think I can handle it on my own.  It is really working.  I have only been at it since Monday (it's Friday) and I have gotten within a pound of where I was when I stopped earlier this year.  I am happy because I have been able to get back on the diet plan.  It isn't the easiest thing, but I really am having a better time of it this go round.

The hard part is getting back to the exercise.  It is really hot here again.  Like 100+ degrees with a heat index.  So I am trying to figure out what it is that I am going to do to get in some physical activity.  All this being said I am looking to find something that I can do to get a little burn in on those hot days.  I think I am going to try to walk for 15 mins a day at least - for me it burns a little over 100 calories.  Then I might try work out something that I can do inside (like a workout video or something) to get an indoor burn.

So at least I am back at it - for real this time!

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